Note: as the mwForum software is highly configurable, not all of the features mentioned below are necessarily enabled in this installation.
The forum is the whole installation, and usually contains multiple boards. You should always enter the forum through a link that ends in "" (not "") to let the forum know when you start a new session. Otherwise the forum won't know when to display posts as new or old.
A user is anyone who registers an account in the forum. Registration is usually not required for reading most boards, but depending on configuration only registered users will have access to certain boards and features.
Users can be granted membership in user groups. Open groups can also be joined by users themselves. The groups in turn are granted member or moderator rights in selected boards, allowing members of the group to read and write in or moderate those boards.
A board contains topics, which in turn contain the posts. Boards can be set to be visible to registered users or to moderators and board members only. Boards can optionally allow posts by unregistered guests. Announcement boards can be read-only, so that they only allow posts by moderators and members, or reply-only, which means that only moderators and members can start new topics, but everybody can reply. Another option for boards is moderation. If this option is activated, new posts will be invisible to normal users until a moderator approves them.
A topic, otherwise known as thread, contains all the posts on a specific subtopic, that should be named in the topic's subject. Boards have expiration values that determine after how many days their topics will expire or get locked after their last post has been made. Moderators can also manually lock topics, so that no replies can be made and no post can be edited anymore.
A post is a public message by a user. It can be either a base post, which starts a new topic, or a reply to an existing topic. Posts can be edited and deleted, which may be limited to a certain time frame. Posts can be locked by moderators, making it impossible to reply or edit. Posts can be reported to the moderators in case of rule violations.
In addition to the more or less public posts, private messages may be enabled in a forum. Registered users can send each other these messages without knowing the email addresses of the recipients.
Administrators can control and edit everything in the forum. This means they can also act as moderators globally. Administrators are listed on the forum info page.
Moderators' powers are limited to specific boards. They can edit, lock, delete and approve posts, lock and delete topics, and check the list of posts reported for rule violations. The user groups whose members have moderator rights in a board are listed on the board's info page.
The creator of a topic may be able to add a poll to that topic. Each poll can contain up to 20 options. Polls can allow one vote per registered users per poll, or alternatively multiple votes for different options at different points in time. Polls can't be edited, and can only be deleted as long as there haven't been any votes.
![]() ![]() ![]() | Yellow icons indicate new posts or topics and boards with new posts. In this forum, "new" means a post has been added since your last visit. Even if you have just read it, it is still a new post, and will only be counted as old on your next visit to the forum. |
![]() ![]() ![]() | Checkmarked icons indicate that the post or all posts in a topic or board have been read. Posts are counted as read once their topic had been on screen or if they're older than a set number of days. Since new/old and unread/read are independent concepts in this forum, posts can be new and read as well as old and unread at the same time. |
![]() | Indicates posts or topics that are invisible to other users, because they are waiting for approval by a moderator. |
![]() | Indicates posts or topics that have been locked. No replies or edits are possible anymore. |
For security reasons, mwForum only supports its own set of markup tags, no HTML tags. Available markup tags:
[b]text[/b] | renders text bold |
[i]text[/i] | renders text italic |
[tt]text[/tt] | renders text nonproportional |
[url]address[/url] | links to the address |
[url=address]text[/url] | links to the address with the given text |
[img]address[/img] | embeds a remote image (if enabled) |
[img]filename[/img] | embeds an attached image |
[img thb]filename[/img] | embeds an attached image's thumbnail (if available) |
mwForum uses email-style quoting. To quote someone, simply copy&paste a line of text from the original post and prefix it with a > sign. It will then get highlighted in a different color. Please don't quote more text than necessary to establish context. Some forums may also have automatic quoting enabled, in that case please also trim down the quoted text to a minimum.
Posts on topic pages of threaded boards can be navigated with the WASD keys in the same way as typical tree view controls can be navigated with the cursor keys. In addition, the E key jumps to the next new or unread post.
You have to enter the forum through a link that ends in "" (not "") to let the forum know when you want to start a new session. Should you for whatever reason want to continue an old session without having posts marked as old, you can enter directly through "".
The original password isn't stored anywhere for security reasons. But on the login page you can request an email with a ticket link that is valid for a limited time. After using that link to login, you can set a new password.
You only need to logout if you are using a computer that is also used by other non-trusted persons. mwForum stores your user ID and password via cookies on your computer, and these are removed on logout.
If attachments are enabled in the forum and the specific board you want to post in, first submit your post without the attachment, after that you can click the post's Attach button to go to the upload page. Posting and uploading is separated this way because uploads can fail for various reasons, and you probably don't want to lose your post text when that happens.
Powered by mwForum 2.29.5 © 1999-2014 Markus Wichitill